Obtaining additional income from the internet is actually not a difficult thing to do in today's sophisticated era. We can manage businesses that promise online ranging from online design services, to other businesses. one profession that is no less interesting and opens up opportunities to earn a lot of extra income is by becoming a Youtuber. We can become partners of Youtube so that we can get attractive AdSense. Because now Youtube is also the second biggest search engine after Google. So, how do I get income from AdSense Youtube?
1. Create a video that many people like
Videos that are often liked by many people can be obtained from other sources such as from other countries. From the video we can make a description using Indonesian to make it more easily understood by Youtube visitors. Besides getting videos from other sources, you can also make videos that are more original and creative. In addition, always follow the trend of videos that are in demand by Youtube viewers, often this Youtube viewer likes videos that are light, funny and entertaining, with a long duration.
2. Relevant Title
To manage this promising business from Youtube, you need to make a relevant video title and make an interesting description. Many people often use popular keywords for titles in their videos, even though the title of the video must be relevant and in accordance with the contents of the video. Synchronous titles and video content can make people easily comment or like. This will also have an impact on increasing video ratings. In the tag description section. The description section and tag are also one of the important elements to support video popularity. Popular titles and tags will increase opportunities to watch.
3. Upload Videos that Have High Intensity
Try to have a special time to create and upload your videos, if you upload more often on Youtube, you will also get more income from Youtube. But don't forget to upload an interesting themed video, because it seems like it's useless if you upload a boring video instead.
4. Enter the link in your video
There is no harm in you entering a web link or blog on the video that you uploaded, especially if the video has links to the link or information we provide for example you have a culinary business, you can add information related to your culinary on that Youtube account. Don't forget to invite viewers to subscribe to Youtube videos. Indirectly this can increase traffic in our account. This increase in traffic can make the reputation on search engines increase and have the opportunity to be seen by many more people.
5. Universal video
universal video to increase visitors from other countries. You can have a video with two languages, Indonesian and English. For English, it can be used to increase visitors from other countries or globally. What if it's hard to make an English video? If it's too difficult, you can make videos that have less conversation. Do not be discouraged if later the video you upload is not effective in attracting the attention of users. You can start learning to run this promising business from a number of channels on Youtube.
Easy to Manage Promising Businesses from Youtube
Reviewed by Mysterio
September 16, 2018
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